Paul, I’ve been a subscriber for a few months. My first readings of your work revealed a witty, intelligent person. You challenged your readers to think out of the post. Over the months, we have learned and vicariously experienced your pain, frustrations, and angst. Most of your readership, probably, appreciates your situation. We love your clever assessments of things political.
However, I want to be with you as you turn the corner on this understandably bitter hand that fate has dealt. I want to hear how you have proactively grabbed the bull by the horns and have left the pain of the university’s malfeasance, punitive bias, and BS behind you. I want you to be the role model of all of us who have suffered through different, but equally painful life experiences.
I want you to succeed. I want you to prosper. I want you to become the politician who rights the wrongs. The motivational speaker who stirs your fellow citizens to action. I want to read Part 2 of this article series and learn how you did it.
My very best wishes for a the best, brightest future for you and your family.
It's nothing to do with money or the job, it's standing on prinicple. Does a man who says that Jews make clothing out of Gentile skin be allowed to say this publically and join up with the VIce Provost and bully and intimidate Jewish students? The best disinfectant is sunlight and the outright anti semitism at Guelph-Humber will be made clear. So thte next time they try to fire someone for their politics may they think twice. And may the Guelph Board look at this woman who will spend millions trying to get rid of employees wake up and end this toxic source.
Brilliant: “The monster ship of academic culture moves slowly, but it moves. Look at where it is, from a culture of ideas, growth, productivity, creation, and vitality to a culture of fear, conformity, and chasing symbolic ends while ignoring that it is the refinement and execution of the process that matters, that grades are signals of learning, not ends in themselves, and that you jump that middle piece at significant risk.”
I feel your pain. I was a high school teacher, a department chairman, taught "talented and gifted," ran the Model Senate program for Germany, was a test administrator for NAEP, taught history at Regis University for fifteen years, supervised student teachers and much more. As education deteriorated, I fought many battles, lost most, won some. But the war was lost. When the liberal arts chair and the dean admonished me for giving quizzes and final exams, it hardly seemed real. When the dreamy far left lead teacher in history, unilaterally eliminated textbooks, it was the beginning of the end for me. No one ever admonished him when he regularly held some classes at a homeless shelter, but I got in trouble for giving final exams. It grieves me to complain; I try to keep my Substack essays on a wide range of subjects. Anyway, it sounds like you are having your say and attracting a following. All the best with that.
Like Doug stated, we want you to succeed. I am like you and poked the bear. I am jobless now, too, and still wondering when people around me who have never been in education will actively listen. Instead, they repeat the unproven mantras of critical social justice without knowing what they speak.
I am still pulled in for that reason alone. It isn't victimized at this point, just more like chicken little and no one cares.
Also, yes, you can be an honorary Jew. There are lots of them. Jews don't proselytize, but we know who our friends are and make them part of our larger community. 🙏
I just discovered you. I am a Guelph alumnus and so proud of that. I loved Guelph, the city and the university. I graduated with an MSc in Family Therapy and before that, I was an instructor in Soil Science at U of G. My U of G t-shirt is still holding up and I bought it before I graduated in 1986.
I have fond memories of weekly lunch meetings with Jewish profs, just a small group of us, all happy to have this time together.
I made aliyah because of the very personally directed antisemitism I had faced at Carleton U where I did my first two years of undergraduate studies, a shocker that set me on a journey to identify fully as a Jew in the Jewish state. But Guelph? Nothing but respect for me as a Jew.
Now I am shocked that my friends from Guelph, those I am still in touch with, told me nothing about what you are going through, as if it is a non-issue. You can be sure I will check with them to see if they are as ignorant of your study as I was until a few moments ago.
What can I do to help?
You can be sure I will be writing about you, about Guelph, about me and Guelph, and more.
And I hope we can get together when you make it to Israel for a visit.
Paul, I’ve been a subscriber for a few months. My first readings of your work revealed a witty, intelligent person. You challenged your readers to think out of the post. Over the months, we have learned and vicariously experienced your pain, frustrations, and angst. Most of your readership, probably, appreciates your situation. We love your clever assessments of things political.
However, I want to be with you as you turn the corner on this understandably bitter hand that fate has dealt. I want to hear how you have proactively grabbed the bull by the horns and have left the pain of the university’s malfeasance, punitive bias, and BS behind you. I want you to be the role model of all of us who have suffered through different, but equally painful life experiences.
I want you to succeed. I want you to prosper. I want you to become the politician who rights the wrongs. The motivational speaker who stirs your fellow citizens to action. I want to read Part 2 of this article series and learn how you did it.
My very best wishes for a the best, brightest future for you and your family.
I will get away from it. It keeps pulling me in. But no matter what happens it does not need to wreck me.
Well said, be strong. We’re here to support you on the road to success.
It's nothing to do with money or the job, it's standing on prinicple. Does a man who says that Jews make clothing out of Gentile skin be allowed to say this publically and join up with the VIce Provost and bully and intimidate Jewish students? The best disinfectant is sunlight and the outright anti semitism at Guelph-Humber will be made clear. So thte next time they try to fire someone for their politics may they think twice. And may the Guelph Board look at this woman who will spend millions trying to get rid of employees wake up and end this toxic source.
Brilliant: “The monster ship of academic culture moves slowly, but it moves. Look at where it is, from a culture of ideas, growth, productivity, creation, and vitality to a culture of fear, conformity, and chasing symbolic ends while ignoring that it is the refinement and execution of the process that matters, that grades are signals of learning, not ends in themselves, and that you jump that middle piece at significant risk.”
I feel your pain. I was a high school teacher, a department chairman, taught "talented and gifted," ran the Model Senate program for Germany, was a test administrator for NAEP, taught history at Regis University for fifteen years, supervised student teachers and much more. As education deteriorated, I fought many battles, lost most, won some. But the war was lost. When the liberal arts chair and the dean admonished me for giving quizzes and final exams, it hardly seemed real. When the dreamy far left lead teacher in history, unilaterally eliminated textbooks, it was the beginning of the end for me. No one ever admonished him when he regularly held some classes at a homeless shelter, but I got in trouble for giving final exams. It grieves me to complain; I try to keep my Substack essays on a wide range of subjects. Anyway, it sounds like you are having your say and attracting a following. All the best with that.
Love your writing and comments. Stay strong, you are surrounded by insanity and cowards.
Like Doug stated, we want you to succeed. I am like you and poked the bear. I am jobless now, too, and still wondering when people around me who have never been in education will actively listen. Instead, they repeat the unproven mantras of critical social justice without knowing what they speak.
I am still pulled in for that reason alone. It isn't victimized at this point, just more like chicken little and no one cares.
Also, yes, you can be an honorary Jew. There are lots of them. Jews don't proselytize, but we know who our friends are and make them part of our larger community. 🙏
I just discovered you. I am a Guelph alumnus and so proud of that. I loved Guelph, the city and the university. I graduated with an MSc in Family Therapy and before that, I was an instructor in Soil Science at U of G. My U of G t-shirt is still holding up and I bought it before I graduated in 1986.
I have fond memories of weekly lunch meetings with Jewish profs, just a small group of us, all happy to have this time together.
I made aliyah because of the very personally directed antisemitism I had faced at Carleton U where I did my first two years of undergraduate studies, a shocker that set me on a journey to identify fully as a Jew in the Jewish state. But Guelph? Nothing but respect for me as a Jew.
Now I am shocked that my friends from Guelph, those I am still in touch with, told me nothing about what you are going through, as if it is a non-issue. You can be sure I will check with them to see if they are as ignorant of your study as I was until a few moments ago.
What can I do to help?
You can be sure I will be writing about you, about Guelph, about me and Guelph, and more.
And I hope we can get together when you make it to Israel for a visit.