Your writing is paradoxically both intelligently coherent and detailed, and a primal scream. Very impressive and disturbing. Thank you for this window on your corner of the world. I wish you strength and good fortune.

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Yes it is a bit primal and that was the intent. Although this is about antisemitism and right and wrong, it is also about how politics morphed so easily into psychological abuse - at best ignorant cruelty but they are so driven by hatred and self righteousness that have lost sight of decency and have bizarrely aligned themselves with a savage terrorist organization bent on the destruction of all that we value. I want them exposed.

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I truly hope justice will prevail for you and all those with a moral compass.

Hamas lovers are a sick breed and the Universities are rife with them. May you transition to a new reality where people will once again express their appreciation for your integrity, professionalism and expertise. In the mean time, know that your character is filled with integrity and you are on the right side of this disgusting misguided administration as well as the bigger battle of darkness and light.

We stand with you, Paul, FWIW.

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I have filed a human rights complaint against all three universities under the category of creed. I am naming names. While I am asking for a stupid amount of money, I don't expect to get a penny, but I want them to answer for their decisions and stop hiding behind lawyers.

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