That sucks you got suspended. You should put the web address of the article about your suspension at the beginning of your post, for those of us who wouldn't otherwise know what you're talking about until paragraph 23, if we get that far. Also, take a minute to learn how to insert a link on substack, I recently did and it's quick and easy. Good luck!
That sucks you got suspended. You should put the web address of the article about your suspension at the beginning of your post, for those of us who wouldn't otherwise know what you're talking about until paragraph 23, if we get that far. Also, take a minute to learn how to insert a link on substack, I recently did and it's quick and easy. Good luck!
That sucks you got suspended. You should put the web address of the article about your suspension at the beginning of your post, for those of us who wouldn't otherwise know what you're talking about until paragraph 23, if we get that far. Also, take a minute to learn how to insert a link on substack, I recently did and it's quick and easy. Good luck!
I'll do it, sorry for late reply.