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I’ve had pay withheld and benefits denied, all of which were contractually assured to me, and the university has treated me like a criminal. I was thrown off campus, and my office was ransacked and examined. What was taken, I will never be sure; they were looking for dirt.
On the day I was suspended, a month before I even received any charges, staff and faculty began a methodical defamation campaign to accuse me of criminal assault; now they added sexual assault, threatening a student, threatening a family, impugning my entire 13-year academic record.
I went from being the best, the most published to being the prof on the edge of firing, and the topper was that the Vice Provost had leaked information, information that I wouldn’t receive for a month, that repeated her comment to staff and faculty, “what he said was disgusting, and he will be terminated.” So much for procedural justice.
This has spread like wildfire; the accuser in the Human Rights Complaint (the Complainant is the Vice Provost, Melanie Spence Ariemma), Professor Wael Ramadan, even before he worked with his old friend, the VP called me a violent threat to children, Islamophobe should never be allowed to teach, racist etc (this is all from a man I have never met) he contacted international anti-Zionist organisations and got them to contact 34,000 of their members, I am recording online the ones who “liked” the post, and giving them contact information to write in and ask for my termination.
My crime again? Calling Hamas Nazis and saying I stood with Israel, it sent both Spence-Ariemma and Ramadan into a rage. She is the head of a public university and is formally aligned with a public supporter of terrorists, a man who wants Israel destroyed, calls Jews Satanic, runs them down in class etc, etc. All public information.
I recently found out it all started because a disgruntled student named Aalima Chaliwala (she expects privacy after telling thousands of lies about me, no way, honey), who was mad about a low grade I’d given her, thought that she, along with a disgruntled former student and, at that time, staff member, not to mention all the faculty who told students I was a criminal, was allowed to destroy my career, marriage, health and finances because they were miffed about grades.
In 15 months, the University of Guelph and Humber College have given me no defence, and I will undoubtedly be fired. They think I will just let it go and have no reaction. :) They have no idea. They have spent over $400K trying to fire me, have four lawyers, and I have zero, but I will win.
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