As an academic, this is terrifying but not surprising. The system is broken.

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You were done wrong. No doubt. Good luck.

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I have given up on getting the job back. This is insane but true. - I would not be physically safe on campus - when a supporter of terrorists who is affiliated with the VP has recruited a band of radicals and when gossip, defamation and lies have risen to the point (with full management support) where I am being accused of multiple crimes (not exaggerations but inventions) all it would take is for one kid to say “I heard he burned a Koran” and it only takes one. Remember Ramadan, my accuser, got 35k people to call for my termination. At best my car would be vandalized, but if would be so easy for me to be followed home and of course I could be killed on campus. I’m not putting my family at jeopardy. The wild thing is that is not student driven, it’s management and they are still there. I will be fired in a month I’m told.

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We all need to act. !!! It’s outrageous.

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Please start a GoFUNDME page .. attach the article. This is so sinister, so outrageous. … Canada is going down the tubes. Maybe Trump can save it. This would not happen in Trump’s America - nor in an annexed to USA Canada …soon the maple leaf will be replaced with a swastika and the Canadian mantra will be Allahu Akbar …..is it too late for Canada ?

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I’m only represented by the union - that is my only legal option. If the union refuses to help you can file a protest but the rejection rate is over 99%. I have filed. But they are more anti semitic than management. A lawyer cannot be retained. But I am not powerless. I have some plans. I’ll post on here on EJT Facebook group

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Us posted. You can’t sue them ?

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This would not happen in Trumps America. But this is Trudeau’s Canada.

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I wish you the best, but a country this fixated on islamo-rage and sociopathic hate can't be rescued.

My wish is for Pres T to grant some degre of asylum to Canadians who share Judeo-Christian values, so that the rest of the country can just sink like the Titanic.

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For real though, when are you coming to Israel?

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